Tuesday 6 May 2008

The Art and Logic of Advertising

Advertising is a must role in progress of web development and e-commerce in the internet. Modernization and the improve techniques that have been brought by the different eras had sprouted many ideas. The internet which is originally made for the only military purposes for communications and other war strategies is now been publicized and used by many mamalia with the scientific name of Homo Sapiens.
I first think that the company which is famous is the one who could only have advertisements of their own. But here in the internet community, manipulating the advertisements is also manipulating the faith of yours in this world, the world of the internet community.
There are many ways in doing this, but first may I explain to you what this advertisement really is. As you start a website/blog that is maybe have already good contents, but do you think there are other people who know that your site exist here in our internet community? Well, guess not. Here the advertisement enters, but as the dictionary define this as an act of announcing and persuading people to avail there products or services which are probably paid through media like TV, radio and the internet. To make you easier to understand its logic, I will ask you to think what your site is and you might observe it as a dead link here in our community so what do you need? Of Course! Here what enters the advertisement. Well, it is not really hard to make what this ads is.
Here in our world, there are many ways to do this. You may consider the free services (if you can’t still avail the paid one) or the paid services. Links is what you need so that there are sure viewers that will come to your site/blog. The key here is to be artistic, consider free services like the site which there really job is to offer free advertisement like the click.spott, advertiserpro or anything. You may also post some of your comments on forum or another blog, Just be creative and by considering any media then you will have a great key to success!

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